It was an hour long drive through the Austrian mountains as we gained elevation on our journey north to Turrasher See, a small picture-perfect lake nestled between various peaks at 1800 metres above sea level.
We unpacked and freshened up before rejoined Nina’s parents in the lobby for a cocktail. A small band was playing while staff
We adjourned to the dining room which was reminiscent of the food hall at Harrods! The buffet was expansive and plentiful with more choices than anyone could want. When we arrived at our table I was astounded to find a menu with a set 5 course meal. It turned out the buffet was the appetizer, followed by a soup course, the main course, dessert (accompanied by a small dessert buffet)
The following morning I was beside myself when I came down for breakfast to learn the buffet had doubled in size! Now, it spanned two rooms and had a separate coffee and tea area where a barista made exotic coffee drinks to order. There was a self-serve tea station with 3 dozen loose teas to meet the needs of the most discerning tea drinker.
Each day a newsletter was supplied and waiting for us on our table. It advertised the hosted activities for that particular day and by the third day they were also leaving a copy in English specifically for me (they rarely get English guests).
After breakfast we walked around the hotel to get a feel for the many other activities on offer to us. The hotel had a supply of mountain bikes for guests to take out on the expansive trails that
They offered daily water aerobics and stretching classes as well as various other activities to stay fit including a full gym. For those more interested in recreation, there was a billiard and table tennis area.
The entrance of the hotel was dominated by a bar and lounge with sitting nooks furnished with couches and chairs. A decent selection of major newspapers (including The Independent from the UK) was available in one of the lounges as well as a marble and wood chess set. Nina’s mom and I played daily and although neither of us had played in years, we thoroughly enjoyed it. We were also of a similar level and found ourselves improving with each day. As if we were politely taking turns, I won the first day, she won the second,
The spa was another world unto itself. It took up the whole two lower levels of the hotel and spilled out onto a lawn which overlooked the lake. Apart from an indoor pool they also offered three outdoor jacuzzis and a variety of saunas and steam rooms. They had a wonderful selection of fruit juices, cut melon and
A few years back they built a hamam, or Turkish bath, complete with the large hot stone which you lie on. This part of the spa felt as if it was another world. After showering, you could rest in the Sultan’s room and drink Turkish tea while sitting in a relaxing room full of Arabic décor.
Although the water temperature of the lake was around 11 degrees, they built an area which amounted to a dock that enclosed a swimming pool-sized portion. The walls of the dock went down
Next to the lake pool was a dock with some paddle and row boats guests could use if they want to venture out onto the water. During our 5 days, I didn’t see anyone take one of them out.
A few years back they built a Chinese pagoda. Inside they offered massages, relaxation therapy and yoga on the bottom floors and the top floor was a dedicated tea room with wonderful views over the hotel, lake
To put it simply, there was no shortage of things to do and not a chance of an ounce of boredom in such a place. Everything from the décor to the staff to the details in the rooms (like hot water bottles and robes) was impeccable. Apart from alcohol and some of the specialty treatments, everything from the food to the activities to the use of equipment was all inclusive.
Throughout the cavernous property there were marble fountains with brass taps and a selection of glasses so guests could help themselves to the plentiful spring water. Likewise, there were
In the afternoon Nina and I joined a few ladies for a 2 hour Nordic walk through the forest to two smaller lakes. This was one of the daily activities and the friendly guide explained how to do Nordic walking properly, including warm-up and warm-down exercises. It was good exercise and helped us burn off some of the calories we had already amassed in the short time we had been there. Once back at the hotel, we headed
I arrived at another lake which was just above the hotel (and lake) we were staying at. I had already amassed 50 metres in elevation and was now standing at the bottom of a ski run with a chair lift rising up the hill above me. I climbed up the ski run which offered a steep walk up a grassy slope. I took a steeper foot path up to a peak which afforded views over the whole valley. I was able to see four or five layers of distant mountains that melted into the horizon. Below me I was now able to see three lakes including the largest of them all; the one on which our hotel was perched. This was what made the hike worthwhile. This made me feel like I was back in BC again.
Once back at the hotel, I met up with Nina (who was now back) and we headed down to the spa. I spam in the heated the lake
I ventured into the Hamam for a Turkish experience. Beforehand, you take a shower and don a towel. I think the showers in this hotel are worth a mention as well. Within the spa area there are showers throughout and they all offer multiple nozzles! There were
In the octagonal Hamam room, the large marble stone dominates. On each of the sides of the room were glass doors. Behind half of them were different relaxation saunas with scented aromas. The other half were for the cleansing aspect of Hamam where you are bathed and scrubbed down by a staff member in a sea of soap
That evenings Nina’s sister Daniela arrived with her husband and two children. They live just outside of Vienna and drove in after the kids finished school for the weekend. I had seen them twice before (for New Year’s 2008 in Majorca and New Year’s 2009 in Austria) and was happy to be able to spend time with them again.
Friday morning was special and ultimately this day was the reason we had all gathered in this wonderful place; it was Nina’s father’s
Peter was showered with presents from his children and grandchildren and, like my own father, seemed too youthful to have reached the milestone of 70. Nonetheless, he seemed to enjoy the attention and certainly took pleasure from being surrounded by his family.
It’s hard to explain the ride they have built on this mountain. It’s a bit like a bobsled in that you ride back down on an individual cart with one or two people on each and you are in control of your
The elevation difference from the top to bottom was 200 metres and the track was close to a kilometre in length. For €20 we were able to ride three times and in hindsight I can tell you it was worth every penny!
Before going down the third and final time, we looked around the
The rest of the day was spent in the spa as the weather was starting to turn. That afternoon Nina’s brother Michael drove in (also from around Vienna) and the evening was spent as a family reunion as all of Peter’s kids were now present.
The skies opened up and our final day was a wet one. The clouds had come down presenting a
We spent the day inside enjoying the hotel’s amenities. I played a game of chess with Heinz (which I lost) while Nina and her sister enjoyed a stretching class. In the afternoon I joined the children in the indoor swimming pool, as I had done the previous day as well. My German improved more in those two pool sessions than it had on the rest of the trip. Children speak in such simple terms and I found it much easier to understand what they were trying to tell me, and in turn, they improved their English.
It had rained solidly for almost 24 hours and the trails were a muddy mess interspersed with large puddles and exposed rock. The bikes were made for this terrain with knobby tires and suspension systems.
We all gathered on Sunday morning for one final breakfast before loading up the cars and heading off in different directions.
As we drove away from the little slice of heaven we had called home for 5 days, I reflected on our experience. I cannot recall a
Hotel Hochschober has 108 rooms with a total capacity of 280 people (including the family rooms). It is little surprise they maintain an average yearly occupancy rate of 85%.
I went to Amsterdam to meet one of the owners of the new company The White Door was merging with. For the sake of simplicity, one company had to sacrifice their name and the operation is now taking the name of the other company; RAVE-cruitment.
I met the manager of RAVE who will now become my direct manager and we got along well. We spoke for a good hour and a half and in that time I had a hard time getting a read on him since he was still in the process of learning about how we operate. But, my gut feeling was not overly positive. I think he plans to tear The White Door apart and dismantle our processes. This would be a shame for three reasons. 1) It would likely mean there would be less work for me. 2) Both The White Door and RAVE have a client in common and RAVE hasn’t had any of their candidates hired whereas we placed 10 people there over the last 2 years. Obviously we are doing something which they are not. 3) These guys are technologically retarded and still manage their operation using a dry-erase board. They don’t have a database for candidates and haven’t automated any of their systems. Only time will tell what will come of this merger.
On one evening I met up with my old roommate Marc which was nice. I did a lot of walking and enjoyed the canals and neighbourhoods I used to walk through. I noticed they had installed a charging station on one canal so three electric cars could park there and juice up. This was a new initiative and I was surprised to see two full electric cars (including a Lotus Elise) were parked there. Apparently this doesn’t extend outside of the city so these people are limited in where they can drive to.
I didn’t take my camera with me as figured I had taken enough pictures while I lived there. However I was told about a part of town I hadn’t seen before and went to check it out. Behind Centraal Station are a number of free ferries to shuttle people over to the other side of the river. They go to different locations on the other side and as I had barely ventured over there before, it was no wonder I had little idea of what I would find.

This short 3 day trip was my last “holiday” of the summer. Having spent 3.5 weeks in the Mediterranean in June, 2 weeks in Vancouver in August, 5 days in Austria and now 3 in Amsterdam, I would say I have done quite well!
I got back on Thursday evening probably around the same time mom arrived in the UK. This Saturday Nina and I are going over to Robert and Cathie’s house in Leamington where mom will also be visiting. We will all stay overnight as they are hosting a big family lunch on Sunday. Then we will drive mom back to Leicester where she will stay for the next 4 days in a hotel.
First thing Monday morning, I start university.