The weekend of July 11 – 13 I went to visit Nina. It was the last weekend her parents would be away, having been sailing around France for the month. So we took advantage of having the two apartments to ourselves.
A few weeks earlier Nina had seen some old friend who she hadn’t seen in some time. One of them works as an operations manager at the Deutsche Bahn repair centre in Aachen. He even offered to give Nina and me a tour some time, so we took him up on his offer.
The wheels get changed every million kms, which works out to every 2 ½ years. With the technology available and the onboard computers, the trains can safely drive themselves, although the German public isn’t comfortable with it. So they employ engineers to drive the trains, even though it is completely unnecessary. We were told that Thalys has tinted the windows of the driving cab and have removed the engineers. Apparently all Thalys trains are unmanned, although they are not advertising that.
I was also surprised to hear that Bombardier makes all the passengers trains in Germany. They have bought up all the smaller manufacturers around the country and have taken over the market.
Saturday night we went to a party. A friend of Nina’s was having a small dinner party for her birthday. It was one of the more enjoyable parties I have been to as it was in someone’s apartment and more intimate than the others.

As my project with Wayne was coming to an end, I Emailed Stefan to inquire about why the volume of work from him was waning a bit. In the past when I have requested more work it has ended up taking 1 – 2 weeks before I started to notice a change. So I thought I was being quite clever by Emailing him a week before I finished working with Wayne.
I decided not to go home on Monday, instead I went to Nina’s office with her in Aachen. As she is writing her thesis, she gets assigned a joint office in an old house the university has turned into geology labs and offices. As with many old cities, the university is spread throughout the city.
I had a private office with a desk, window, bathroom, light, fresh air and power for my laptop. It was everything I needed! As Nina had a lunch meeting with some students, I headed into downtown on my own. I ate and walked around a bit to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.
When I first arrived in April, Nina and I had gone to a traveling carnival that was stopping in Aachen for a week. The huge lot where it had set up was a block from Nina’s office and I walked by it on my way back to work. To my surprise, they were setting up a giant circus and it was set to open the next day.
I don’t recall ever going to a traditional circus growing up. Well, that’s not completely true, I do have VERY faint memories of maybe going when I was extremely young, but I am really not totally sure. As far as I know, I haven’t been.
I decided to stay another day so we could go. I was so excited, all I know of circuses is Cirque de Soleil and I know there are elements of a traditional circus in it, but it’s not the same. The company, Krone, is one of the largest circus companies in Germany and were celebrating their 100th year.
Tuesday I went back to work with Nina. As I had to work at the terminal Wednesday morning I would have to go back home Tuesday night, so we planned to see the afternoon (and opening) circus performance.
Tuesday is also when Stefan opened the floodgates and started to send me the work I had asked for. I was a little shocked at how quickly he had responded. It has actually caused me to ask for a small extension from Wayne because the volume of work was a bit too much. However due to the client taking his sweet time in giving us the missing content we need, Wayne was fine with giving me a bit more time.
The Krone Circus was a lot of fun. There was acrobatics and dancing with a lot of acts similar to Cirque. Of course, the animals were what really made the difference between the two. Krone employs 200 animals including elephants, camels, zebras, horses, dogs, lions and donkeys. I am still a little undecided about the animals; for the most part I felt they were a bit unnecessary. Although some of the acrobatic horseback riders were amazing.
I thought more about it on the way home and realized I had an opportunity here. Not in the capacity she had in mind, but in helping them with their training material. When I was hired the training process was very casual and it appeared they didn’t have a process in place. So I wrote her a proposal to create some training manuals. As it turns out, they have quite a lot of material, but it doesn’t seem to be as organized as it could be. I have a meeting with her to discuss it after my next shift in a weeks time.
Last week I had been reading the Amsterdam Weekly (one of the English
I had a meeting with Stefan Monday afternoon to get details on some more duties I will be taking on. This time, actually doing some recruiting searches on job boards, looking for positions we aren’t already advertising, in the hopes of finding new clients.
We weren't having a lot of luck in finding a good roommate. We found 2 girls who both showed interest in the room (one even accepted it over the phone) but both ended up having cold feet and backing out. One of them was simply a flake, so it was no loss. The other one had some genuine concerns about being in the middle room with thin walls on either side. She is Slovakian with a Canadian boyfriend (at UBC) who she talks to a few nights a week. Due to the time difference, she talks late at night which would cause an issue for Marc who goes to bed early and would share a wall with her. So the compromise is that I am now moving into the middle room and she will take my old room. The disadvantage is that I will have to be very careful about the amount of noise I make being in the middle. The advantage is that the room is bigger and Marc isn't going to increase my rent in order to take it. I am just glad the process is finally over and, with a guaranteed roommate moving in, it prevents Agne from trying to stay longer!
I will tell you, she is getting unbearable. It astounds me that such an antisocial and lazy person would want to live with other people. So, I will be spending the next two weekends in Germany until she is gone. Then, hopefully, I will feel comfortable here again. At least she stays up until 4am and sleeps for 12 hours a day which means I get a good chunk of the day with the place to myself. Then in the early afternoons I relocate to the library. I knew roommates were going to be a challenge!