- Tate Modern Art Gallery... free and worth the price

- Gate to St James Park outside Buckingham Palace

- The Throne room (not the bathroom) on the Royal Staterooms tour of Buckingham Palace

- Walking along the most famous bridge in the world; Tower Bridge

- White building is the Abbey Road Studios. On the side of the red brick building you can see the Abbey Rd street sign

- Shawn at the famous street crossing by the studio

- Although not on our original itinerary, we decided to go on the Millennium Wheel or London Eye

- St James park and Buckingham Palace from the London Eye
- The BBC television studios tour was a big highlight for both Shawn and I

- Took a boat tour from the London Eye all the way to Greenwich which afforded a wonderful view/perspective to see the city from. We came back via a double decker bus (sat on the top in the front row) which was an adventure unto itself. In one day we traveled by train, bus and boat.

- The Greenwich Observatory where Greenwich Mean time is determined. This is also where East and West meet!

- London taken from the top of the hill at the Greenwich Observatory
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